2023 is your Year to Create Massive Momentum & Accelerate Your Desires - It's time to start going after what you want.

The world is changing, You feel it, you see it,

It’s Time to Do things differently in your Life. 

Are you OVER sabotaging your New Year Resolutions by the Time February starts? 

Does it already feel like it’s going to be the same year just like last year, where you sorta make progress but not really…

And Let’s just CUT TO THE CHASE on How you really Feel deep down: 

Are you Over consistently failing to meet your own goals &
not attracting what you really want? 

It’s time to stop sitting on the sidelines of your own life and
 reclaim fully what you truly want.


So Here’s the Thing, I created this Intention Setting Process as I realized I was a bit over 10 step systems, elaborate rituals,
and fancy stuff that all feels like means to an end actions to get me where I want.

Instead – I created my own process that focuses on creating the shifts that truly MATTER for real results that help you sustain your vision.

We often are told to do all these fluffy things to create our dreams into reality, such as visualization,
play fantasy games in our head and create resolutions that don’t really stick with us more than a month or so

– I began to realize quickly that this isn’t really how we truly manifest –

we manifest by sustaining our vision through the mind-body connection


Alignment is usually the missing piece for so many of us

we think we need all these things, but in reality what we’re really looking for is our Personal Alignment

In this 3 day workshop, I go over How to create an Intentional Vision that keeps you commited fully to your dreams by creating potent systems to sustain your vision.

Here’s just it, we can let our excuses stop us, or we can teach ourselves how to train our minds for success by empowering
our Energetics, our mind, the habits we create and ultimately the Actions we take.

If I were to sit down for a coffee with you, I would tell you,

It’s about committing to your vision,

but how do you stay accountable with yourself?

Often we feel we are missing the right process, the right tools, the right missing link but honestly, the missing piece is always YOU

The challenge is to create a formula that works WITH

Your Mind

Your Energy

Your Body

Your Habits

And teach yourself that it can be easier when you let it be easier for yourself

when you stop the fights going on in your mind and fully
step into your vision and claim it with


Youre the one who knows that  the excuses are no longer valid anymore

It’s time to decide and claim the throne of your own life

But it must begin with You, your energy, your habits and energetics

By unleashing from Soul your true VISION

and allowing that to be the force that drives you

WE cannot do that from following the old ways of the old paradigm,

We cannot keep connecting the dots knowing cause and effect is the answer

It dismisses your magic, It dismisses who you truly are inside

and that forever lives inside of you as you are the universe

It’s time to stop saying you’re never enough

when you have the entire universe within you

Its time to stop allowing yourself to dim your light and play small

when you know that can change it all around by doing things differently

It’s about calling within you the FORCE that awakens your

SOUL FIRE and remember what makes you come alive

That still lives within you

And are you ready to fully give yourself permission to claim it and go for it?

Then Let’s get started



This 2 hour workshop is broken down into a 3 Day journey of dive deeping
into your Vision that you desire to Manifest for your life.

In the 3 days we explore into:
Potent Reflection & Awareness work,
Setting Aligned intentions & Goals for your year,
Creating an Aligned Action Game plan backed by Your Soul’s energetics, beliefs, embodiment & Habits!

We’re bringing it all together to create a plan to fully sustain your Vision and teach you to Manifest from a sustainable place of Soul Alignment.

You will walk out of this visioning workshop with the clarity, confidence and conviction to be MAGNETIC
 towards what you deeply dream and desire for your life. 

Part 1: Reflect & Let go with Clearing work 

In the first video I talk about why Reflection work sets ourselves up for success and how to truly let go of your past year. In this first part  I teach you about the art of letting go, Acceptance, and Rituals to help you clear energetic space to create space for your New VISION.

Part 2: Intentional Soul Mapping By Unlocking Your Vision

In the next two videos, I give you a solid framework on how to set Potent Aligned Intentions to help hone your focus and unleash your Vision from within you. Soul Mapping gets an upgrade as I invite you to explore various layers in your life. This is powerful work that helps us change the narrative of our lives and sets us up for success as we clarify with certainty what we desire to be, do and have in our manifesting process.
(no vision board required)

Part 3: Create your Aligned Action Plan Backed by Soul 

On day 3 we bring it all together to create your Aligned Action Plan backed by Soul. This is not about crossing off boxes, but learning how to bring in the correct energetics, habits, belief Installation and emotional empowerment needed to properly sustain your vision. This video has been years in the making as we go deep into learning how to sustain your vision through creating a unique action plan. By Adding on from day 2 NOW, we can create the framework to train our mind for success and elevate our mindset to help us manifest by becoming a vibrational match.

This is not what you’re thinking an ‘action plan’ ought to be, its much different, Energetic and Practical Combined to learn how to commit fully to your vision and manifest from flow. I have never taught this process before except for to  my high end clients in The Awakening Path program.

BONUS: Audit & Realign with your Vision 

Finally at the end of the workshop, you might be thinking – how do i continue to apply this? I gotchu covered, Included are a video and worksheet bundle that talks about how to do an energetic audit on your vision, revisit your process or bring it into a planner, schedule or journaling practice. This way you can adapt it to your own aligned process throughout the entire year and years to come.


The main reason we don’t stayed commited to our goals

Is simply because we’re not creating systems that truly work with us,

I think about that a lot, when i truly am in the flow

it’s because i’ve created aligned systems that manage themselves through my

ENERGY and Mindset.

Let me help teach you to do the same,

Through this process I have learned to;

overcome my procrastionation

Stop Letting myself not Follow through

Get over staying in INACTION and overwhelm

And most importantly stop letting the fear-mind drive my results

and learn to recommit to my vision, every month, every quarter and even ever week if i truly desire.

This is about opening yourself to a process where you can create an energetic plan backed by your soul and intuition

Not a plan of Hustle and grind, but a plan that is backed by your






And Fully committing to your Soul

That’s what it’s truly about

How would it feel to create an Action plan that is infused with what you truly want to do, what would help you accelerate your vision forward, what would help you take actions and habits that matter to you?

How would it feel to stay committed to your goals and intentions knowing that you can now FULLY show up for them.

Imagine what it would be like to really manifest what you want from a sustainable energy of feeling that Alignment, Flow and dismantling the resistance in your path?

It’s time to ditch your one off resolutions and get fully commited to Your Intentional Soul Mapping to Manifest what you truly desire and want for your life.

Let’s reclaim the Throne, Grab your Crown,

It’s time to Claim what you truly desire and Bring it to Life


A 2 Hour workshop designed to tech you how set Intentions, set energetic systems to sustain your Vision & Accelerate your intentions to manifest a divinely aligned year.

Receive access to your membership portal with a special log in, where you have easy access to your Video Lessons,
Soul Work Prompts & Action steps

 Step By Step videos

You Receive 5 step by step videos breaking down the Energetic & Practical work of Soul Mapping Your Vision.

Each Video connects to the next, providing a potent system for manifesting your desires to life.W

With Lifetime access – come back to the workshop whenever you want! You can return to the course whenever you need to shift your mindset, revisit a lesson or need a refresher. 

Each Part of the series you receive a workbook of prompts to accompany your Manifesting & Intention setting process. You also receive a worksheet bundle & bonus video to Audit & realign with your vision r mindset.

Receive community Support if you desire and share  your Visioning Journey with us!  

This will be a space to Ask Questions, share your insights,& engage with other members.


by diving deep into unleashing your Soul’s Vision

and creating an ALIGNED game plan that teaches you to sustain your vision

with Mindset work, Embodiment work, Habit Creation, And a Potent Easy goal setting process to Boost the momentum in your life forward!

This is a 3 part 2 hour workshop
to Set yourself up for Success

By Clarifying your Vision,

Going into the Energetic and Practical side of Manifestation,

Setting yourself up with a cohesive soul-aligned action game plan to help you accelerate your intentions to manifest a divinely aligned year!

With Community Support to ask questions & share your journey with us

It’s time to claim what you truly want and

Accelerate your Vision to Bring it into life

What are you waiting for?

Let’s get started!

Get Access to 5 Video Lessons + Community Support + Soul work:



This offer officially expires on  february 10th 2023 at 11:59 CST. 
This particular course will not be offered again until later in the year.
The Visioning Workshop is a unique workshop that is designed to help you plan out your entire year.
It is only offered at select times throughout the year.    


2023 is your Year to Create Massive Momentum & Accelerate Your Desires - It's time to start going after what you want.

About Ashley

Hi! My name is Ashley Aliff, I’m the creator behind Theawakenedstate.net. I am a Spiritual mindset coach, specializing in energy clearing, Emotional empowerment, subconscious reprogramming, manifestation and naturally kundalini awakening.

After mentoring & studying on these topics for over 8 years, I understand the practical & energetic side to the Spiritual World. I also know that by merging the practical and the spiritual together, we can learn to embody & apply these concepts into our daily life, something I don’t always see in the spiritual community. It’s essential to heal by taking the Action, merging the energetic into our practical life.

I can teach you to shift energy, step into emotional empowerment, unlock your desires, nourish soul, activate your gifts and learn to heal your wounding that is keeping you stuck.

In my experience, I can teach you to Rise into your next level and expand your capacity to receive in your life.

If you’ve ever been someone who feels powerless over your energy, you feel overwhelmed due to your hypersensitivity, I completely understand! I was there too, but I also know we carry immense power to transform our lives from the inside out. It starts with you and your energy.

I am here to show you what is possible.

It’s time to Awaken your Light, Align with your authentic truth and Step into your Spiritual power as a co-creator of your reality!


Most frequent questions and answers

Then you are in the right place!

One of my specialties is breaking down ‘woo woo’ concepts and making them easy to understand. I teach in a very grounded way, I understand the practical and spiritual approach deeply. I teach each lesson through practical tools, my approach is very hands-on. These are tools that you can start applying to your daily life immediately!

You have exclusive access to my membership site, where you will sign up & receive each Lesson right after you sign up. This workshop is self-paced, so you can start when you ready and listen to your intuition throughout the process if you need to go slower.  You can always ask me Personal Qs in our fb group or contact me directly.

Plus you own lifetime access so you’re always welcome to go through the Course as many times as you need for a refresher.

This program is self-paced and designed so you can revisit it throughout the entire year. Ifyou need to revisit your vision, have a fresh start at Intention Setting or Work on New Habits you can always come back for more with this program. 

Intention setting can be powerful if we instill habits and do the inner work. If you’re ready for change, you’re willing to show up to do the work each day, you will begin to see shifts naturally as you move more into a state of Alignment. Like all things, it’s about asking yourself are you ready to invest in your self, show up for yourself, put in the work each day of the challenge and create change?

In my personal experience, when you begin changing your energy & mindset, you inevitably begin changing your life. If you’re ready for that & willing to do the soul work, then let’s get started!

More questions? Email  cosmiclove@theawakenedstate.net

Due to the digital nature of this content being downloadable PDFS & Digital Videos.  We do not offer Refunds. Please read the Terms and Conditions & What you will personally receive,  if this is considered a problem for you before purchasing. 

