Today's mindset monday is a topic I think almost anyone can relate to the idea of hustling through life instead of learning to let go and let it flow. It's ironic really, I would say almost all of our problems, daily stresses and energy management issues all boil down to this one concept: Let Go And Let it Flow I also found when I went to create this website, I was having the same problem - Trying to hustle vs letting the creative flow guide me. I'm sure you can relate to something going on within your own life, whether it's from a relationship issue, a health issue, career, money, or even a spiritual issue. We tend to create more problems than necessary through over-complicating the obvious. When our higher self really is trying to tell us, slow down and let it flow so I can personally deliver the message right to you without struggle.

Why do we let the hustle rule our lives?

Today’s mindset monday is a topic I think almost anyone can relate to the idea of hustling through life instead of learning to let go and let it flow.

It’s ironic really, I would say almost all of our problems, daily stresses and energy management issues all boil down to this one concept: Let Go And Let it Flow

I also found when I went to create this website, I was having the same problem – Trying to hustle vs letting the creative flow guide me. I’m sure you can relate to something going on within your own life, whether it’s from a relationship issue, a health issue, career, money, or even a spiritual issue.

We tend to create more problems than necessary through over-complicating the obvious. When our higher self really is trying to tell us, slow down and let it flow so I can personally deliver the message right to you without struggle.

So What does this come back to and why does it create so much discord within our lives?

The answer is so obvious we tend to miss it. We continue focusing on the problem instead of the solution.

The problem is detaching from our present reality. We merely replay the old story over and over again instead of focusing on the present moment where the solution of peace lives.


Now being a hustler doesn’t always mean strictly career talk, you can be an energy hustler in all aspects of your life without even realizing it.

When we Hustle we tend to:

  • Overthink or Over analyze a situation
  • We go over the problem over and over thinking we could of done something different
  • We rush through life
  • We think about the destination instead of the journey
  • we become obsessed or addicted to materials, people, specialness,
  • We enter a mentality of “gotta get it done”
  • We probably drive over the speed limit or we’re not very kind to drivers
  • We constantly feel rushed or like there’s never enough time in the day
  • We stress
  • have anxiety
  • Complain or feel behind in life
  • Over exaggerate
  • And generally just don’t feel too great about ourselves because we need to always be somewhere, do something, get shit done and generally feel drained.

Now don’t get me wrong, we’ve all been there myself included. However being aware of the inner hustler in our life can really bring some new awareness to how much we lose ourselves in the future or the past. 


On the awakening journey I actually feel like this comes up for a lot of people, mainly because there are so many articles and channelings talking about how we’re *almost* reaching “ascension”. You will begin to notice there’s this underlining theme towards all these types of articles.

They put their happiness in the future.

They put the end goal in the future. So it starts to feel like chasing this evolutionary carrot where we’re waiting for a mystical day to “ascend” or reach enlightenment. If we just wait for another date or another alignment, then we’re reach our spiritual advancement. When spiritual advancement is truthfully an inside job that is created through mindset.

This idea promotes False Hope and turns us into an energetic awakened hustler!

We become obsessed with the destination and forget about the beauty of simplicity. And I see this a lot in the awakened community, we tend to create all these labels about who we are  and we write from a distant place that accumulates into this messy “fluff” where we’re unfocused and not creating from a grounded present state of awareness.  There is so much emphasis on “the future” and planetary ascension that we’re forgetting about ourselves in the process.

I’ve seen and read a lot over the years, a lot of that stuff is just b.s. – belief systems. When we allow ourselves to strip back the layers of b.s. that’s been influencing us we can start to create breathing space for our true identity.

Life is a bit like an onion, you slowly peel back the layers and start connecting with your true self.

Your true self is always your present self.

It is within the community of spirit that lives and breathes THROUGH us, in our present reality.

I recently shared a status on facebook from Notes from the Universe:

“I work through you, not for you” – The Universe

The universe is always with you, working through you each day.

We’re creating everyday. We’re ascending TODAY. We’re awakening today. right now. We’re already ascended right now in the present moment even if we don’t realize it. We’re ascending now.

It’s never been about the destination, it will forever be about the journey.

That’s all life really is, it’s about appreciating yourself on the journey of life.


Enlightenment has become such a buzz word in our community that often creates  a barrier between who’s awakened vs who isn’t. In reality it’s not about that at all.  Enlightenment is truly being.

There is no reaching “enlightenment”. It is not an end goal. It is eternity within the present moment. 

Therefore to move this full circle when we’re hustling through life and have a constant mentality of go.go.go. we’re missing the message.

We become disconnected from our true self.

Our Energy becomes a ball of chaos and disconnection leading us to recycle and constantly keep replaying the same tape over and over again.

We begin to feel disconnected from our true self.

When we decide to cut out the b.s. and simply embrace the letting go process, we’re able to flow in divine alignment with our true spirit.

Eckhart Tolle writes in his book Power of Now, He found enlightenment by sitting on a park bench and listening to nature in inner stillness.  It’s simple.

It is always that inner stillness that will set you free.


Often when we’re feeling stuck, stressed or just “meh” it’s because we’re disconnected from ourselves. Life is actually meant to be easy, it is we as people who complicate everything often because we feel detached from ourselves.

We detach from our true nature and instead let our resistance control our life. I feel this pluto retrograde is really bringing a lot of emotional vulnerablity and things that were hidden to the surface. This is a great energy to start being more mindful and aware of your vulnerable patterns.

If we acknowledge that we’re not listening and instead start cultivating a mindful awareness of our present life, we can slow down enough to correctly hear the messages coming through.

It is only when we slow down and allow our souls to create that breathing space – that we  create the mental shift – the breakthrough that creates clarity through our choices.


Take some time to play in your energy with this simple beautiful exercise from Christie Sheldon.
Christie has honestly changed my life, I love the simplicity of her teachings because at the root she teaches us that it’s about connecting to source and


Our problem with hustling through life is we forget the obvious – get connected back to source energy asap!

The solution is so obvious once we get reconnected. Try this simple exercise to boost your vibes today 🙂

I’d Love to here what are some of your soul takeaways from this discussion,

Share them with me below in the comments.

Today's mindset monday is a topic I think almost anyone can relate to the idea of hustling through life instead of learning to let go and let it flow. It's ironic really, I would say almost all of our problems, daily stresses and energy management issues all boil down to this one concept: Let Go And Let it Flow I also found when I went to create this website, I was having the same problem - Trying to hustle vs letting the creative flow guide me. I'm sure you can relate to something going on within your own life, whether it's from a relationship issue, a health issue, career, money, or even a spiritual issue. We tend to create more problems than necessary through over-complicating the obvious. When our higher self really is trying to tell us, slow down and let it flow so I can personally deliver the message right to you without struggle.


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2 Responses

  1. From this article I learned that I am still hustleing a little bit I first thought well thats not me ,thats not me either ..Im happy Ive changed as much as I have .I also very much got the idea of the journey being the deal , I’ve had a tough learning but great learning journey. I am teaching now and continue learning …I knew something about me was diferent since I was a child. Could never get to the why was I diferent ( on a soul inside good way a knowing of. Sort.)I just recently came to believe that This world is healing and I am a healer . I COULD DISCUSS this stuff for hours Im so glad youre here to help ,and validate ,teach ,and listen ! Thank You
    LOVE and Kindness

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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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