The Mind's connection to the body.

In the beginning journey of my Awakening, the ascension symptoms used to take control of my life. This is a problem I see happening a lot within various awakening communities and especially within beginners on the path.

We tend to obsess about lower vibrational food,  the fluoride in the toothpaste or even just blaming all of our problems on ascension symptoms.

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the symptoms are uncovering a particular part of us that needs to heal.

However at the root of all symptoms is two things holding you back:

The Fears you hold  & Your Mindset

So for today’s Mindset Monday with mercury retrograde in toll, I thought we’d take a trip down memory lane to when I realized a lot of this new age propaganda is bullshit and all of it underlines one thing.


I promise you this one is going to get good so even if I triggered you a little, stick around because  we are going deep!


Growing up I was honestly afraid of a lot of things mainly due to my mother being super protective of me as an only child. So naturally I grew up in two modes:

Fear & Victim Mentality.

I had this constant feeling of being afraid, placing blame on others, feeling anxious or sick. I actually had a rare illness called gallbladder disease where my gallbladder stopped working so I had to work on my diet a lot growing up after I didn’t have a gallbladder. Long story short, I spent a lot of my energy being afraid of food and one time I was so afraid of eating I choked.  This memory haunted me for awhile.

Fast forward to my Awakening, after reading all these things about fluoride hurting pineal glands, lower vibrational foods, and sugar hurting your spirituality. I soaked it up like a sponge, drank the new age koolaid about how this is hurting my spirituality and believed it hardcore.

Naturally what happened:

  • Obsessing about reading food labels constantly
  • Only eating a strict diet
  • Barely eating meat then going vegetarian
  • Only buying organic products including being afraid to use chemicals for cleaning

And probably a lot more…

In short we don’t realize this but all this new age propaganda is a  new age recipe of Old Paradigm fears stuffed into our mindsets telling us what to do,  eat, say and think. It’s secretly a very old world mentality, ironically it’s all based around the fears you hold onto from your past and duality.

In short a lot of that is absolute b.s. nothing can hurt your spiritual progress due to food or chemicals, your entire body is a cocktail of chemicals!

In reality when we feel this way about food or chemicals, we’re naturally afraid of a part of ourselves. We are the chemical.


Naturally being afraid of lower vibrational food creates a fear response to all sorts of food that isn’t “higher vibrational”. This is where it gets weird,  my mom is allergic to sulfur drugs. When I was growing up unconsciously she projected that onto me after having a panic attack from eatting some artificial potatoes one day. Crazy but this caused me to “believe” I was allergic to sulfites.

For years I couldn’t drink wine or particular processed foods because of sulfites. I thought I had sulfite sensitivity which is a rare sensitivity that about 1% out of 100 people can have.

Then one day I purchased my favorite fannie may candy – trinadads, I love eating them. Only this time, I decided to read the food label –  I was in shock, It had sulfites in it.

I’ve been eating those candies for probably I don’t even know 10 years or more?

My illusion was broken.

Basically I learned I wasn’t even allergic to sulfites I only “Believed” I was because of  my mother telling me I was allergic.

In reality, I just had a panic attack due to the fear response I created.

My crazy story has a point, We tend to do this a lot within our lives.

We let fear take over our life over and over again.

  • Think about all the times you were watching your weight and felt guilty for eating a cookie.
  • You were upset you ate pizza because it had processed foods in it
  • Maybe you ate meat and felt awful because you felt the dying energy of the animal
  • Your drank the illuminati koolaid and believed the fluoride was hurting you so your teeth hurt afterwards
  • You become afraid to drink milk due to the Growth hormones you read about
  • GMOs anyone?

I once remember taking to a guy on a spiritual group who said he avoided hot showers due to reading about how the chemicals produced from hot water hurt the brain so he only took cold showers….

This stuff is absolutely crazy!!!

All of this is just your mindset.


It is pure fear tactics and a lot of it is absolute garbage created from fear. Most of it we read online, suddenly soak up it’s true in our mind and bam we start reacting from fear.

It’s the energy behind what we mentally respond to that generates that response into your reality.

All of that is merely fear holding you back from experiencing the fullness of life as a human. What if we changed the mindset to empowerment and loving vibrations?

I’m not saying eat a whole cake and say that’s loving vibes but what if instead you put love into everything you say and do.

  • You eat the cookie with love vibrations.
  • You drink the coffee saying it’s a cup of happiness
  • Do Exercise with love in your heart instead of obsessing about your calorie intake or numbers on a scale
  • You use the chemical cleaning projects because it gets the dirt off easier, then lemon and water for once

Do you see what I mean?

All of what we feel and experience is due to our mindsets. The hugest problem is we let these new age propagandas entirely RULE OUR LIFE.


There’s nothing wrong with good diet or watching what you put into your body, however it’s important to ask yourself:

Are you Happy and Acting From a Loving Place?


Are you Acting from a Place of Fear?



Our Mindsets Matter.

“The psychological and physiological effect of anything in our lives can and is influenced by our mindset.” – Alia Crum

I thought we’d go a bit deeper and look at how our mindsets connects into the physiological effect of the body.

Dr.  Alia Crum a professor, psychologist, and researcher  presented a ted talk that goes into how the Placebo effect is naturally a mindset we create.

“Dr. Crum’s research focuses on how changes in subjective mindsets—the lenses through which information is perceived, organized, and interpreted—can alter objective reality through behavioral, psychological, and physiological mechanisms.

Her work is, in part, inspired by research on the placebo effect, a notable and consistent demonstration of the ability of the mindset to elicit healing properties in the body. She is interested in understanding how mindsets affect important outcomes outside the realm of medicine, in the domains of behavioral health and organizational behavior.”

Here is her talk on how Mindsets and the body interconnection into our lives.
It’s absolutely fascinating!


I hope what I’ve done for you today is to Inspire you to reconsider where those limits really are, because the true task ahead is to begin reclaiming this power for ourselves, to acknowledge the power of mindsets, and know that in just a blink of eye we can change the game of any facet of our life quite simply by changing our mindset” – Dr. Alia Crum


If you desire to change anything within your life, you must change your mindset.

Whether that is your weight, food habits, panic attacks, relationships, friendships even stress as we witnessed above is due to our mindset.


Try this simple exercise to see the power of mindset in action!

Close your eyes, do a few long deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth.

Imagine a golden light covering your entire room or house, the light is filling up with peaceful vibrations.

Your entire home is filling with this golden light of peaceful vibrations. Imagine a ripple of energy coming over you and pushing out into your entire surrounding area.

You are Peaceful Living. Hold that energy for about 3-5 minutes.

Watch the peaceful vibes start to enter your world.

What was your own soul takeaway from this talk?
I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

In the beginning journey of my Awakening, the ascension symptoms used to take control of my life. This is a problem I see happening a lot within various awakening communities and especially within beginners on the path. We tend to obsess about lower vibrational food, the fluoride in the toothpaste or even just blaming all of our problems on ascension symptoms. Don't get me wrong, a lot of the symptoms are uncovering a particular part of us that needs to heal. However at the root of all symptoms is two things holding you back: The Fears you hold & Your Mindset


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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