Numerology is naturally an interest that occurs during awakening because many individuals will find themselves starting to see repeated numerological sequences over and over, sometimes even to the point where these numbers begin to haunt them. The most common being 11:11 however the more you notice the more you see, numbers such as 12:34, 111, 1:33, 333, 444, 555, etc. begin to follow you everywhere you go. Many people believe they are simply “Angelic Numbers” or “Messages from the Angels” but in truth Numerology is a very complex system. Each number corresponds to the system of the Kabbalah and the Tarot. The way to understand each of the numerological sequences you have to study the tree of life, archetypes, geometry and various symbolism throughout ancient history. Each number is a point on the dimensional plane of the system of the mind. Numerology works in a way that triggers a subconscious archetypal response within your long term memory all going right back to processing numbers like a futuristic computer. Carl Jung has studied this concept of subconscious triggers extensively within his work such as Man and His Symbols. They are essentially mind relapse triggers that influence our long term memory and change our DNA. You could say they’re “upgrades” but what they are doing is triggering your subconscious mind into the act of remembrance of who you are.

What does seeing Numerology such as 11:11, 12:34, 1:11, 3:33… mean to me?

In reality while there is much symbolism behind each number, the true meaning all comes down to what resonates with you most. They could be said these are “Codes” that unlock our dna strands and awaken old memories of who we used to be but they are honestly a trigger like a talisman. 11:11 is by far the most common as well as 111,222,333,444,555, etc. Any of the master numbers can/will start showing up repeatedly denoting a particular sequential message. It’s always good to pay attention to your thoughts at the particular time you see the number or look at what you are doing. Being conscious of our surroundings, what we’re doing or what is around us at the time such as a symbol can sometimes help to figure out the meaning behind the message of the number.

There are various theories out there for why numbers are displaying a particular message. Some of these include:

  • Binary DNA Activation – Reality is composed from numbers, our mind is similar to a computer which relies on binary codes (1’s and 0’s). These Numbers such as 11:11 are working as a form of binary that activates your dormant (junk) DNA.
  • 11:11 Gateway/Portal – Also known as Stargates, 10.10. 10. 11.11.11 12.12.12 These are astrological alignments that are created during a specific date in time. They are most known for being an Energetic Gateway for others to Awaken and also known to create energetic shifts. It could also signify that “11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds” [ref]In5d All About 11:11[/ref]
  • Making a Wish – Many Teenagers used to play the game “make a wish it’s 11:11”, perhaps their subconscious knew more than they did about this mysterious phenomena.
  • Life Path Numbers – Life Path numbers are a different form of numerology but are connected to Symbolic interpretation. They are found by adding your birth date and birth year together into a single digit.
  • Angel or Spirit Guide Messages – The more popular theory by Doreen Virtue that Numerology is basically messages from your angels or spirit guides trying to communicate with you. These messages include similar sayings such as “you are on the right direction of your spiritual path” or “stay positive, you have nothing to fear in regards to your soul purpose”
  • Fibonacci Sequence/Golden Ratio – Our reality is made around the Golden Ratio even our bodies are composed from the beautiful sequence of Phi, perhaps the numbers are simply reminding us of who we are?
  • Global Consciousness – Cosmic consciousness, sometimes people just simply think that these numbers are here to tell us we are connected to one another.
  • Wake Up Call – The most popular interpretation, Wake up call to GLOBAL AWAKENING.  Numerology is mainly noticed by people who are going through the process of a Spiritual/ Kundalini Awakening. These numbers could simply mean you are on the right track and they signify your own Awakening Journey.

Since Numerology is linked to archetypal symbolism, the most direct interpretation will always be the symbolic representation of the Number itself. The numbers are there to guide us but the most powerful meaning is the one you put in front of the symbol. What resonates with you?

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The Master Numbers:

1010 – reality is a biogenetic experiment created from numbers
911 – 9=Endings. 11=DNA. 911=ending code of our DNA program in this reality.
111 The vision, illumination, channel to the subconscious, insight without rational thought, the gateway
222 – Duality – Polarity – Reality is created by an electromagnetic energy grid. 2+2=2=6=Flower of Life
333 – Represents a higher octave of 9 = closure in 3D
444 – Represents a higher octave of 3 = 4d mastery of thought and illusion
555 – All elements(air, earth, water, fire, ether) combined is a sphenic number. In base 10, it is a repdigit, and because it is divisible by the sum of its digits, it is a Harshad number. It is also a Harshad number in binary, base 11, base 13 and hexadecimal. Represents 5D

666 – Creating the merkabah, star of david, aligning the elements and the senses together in understanding. the number of man elements of earth combined with spirit
777 – Spiritual divine connection (connected to crown chakra)
888 Rebirth, infinity, paradise regained
999 – Karma codes ending, life cycles complete. It is the Triple Triad – Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number – the Earthly Paradise.
10 – Completion and back to the source energy field or universal cosmic consciousness. Ten is the number of the cosmos—-the paradigm of creation. The decad contains all numbers and therefore all things and possibilities. It is the radix or turning point of all counting.

The representation of all master numbers connects to the universal sequence of 369.
0 – Tree of life, zero point
3 – Density line, creation for all. 3d. creation, the triangle, the student, the third solution, the creation of a double charge, the progression through life.
6 – Perfect balance, which ideally transmit the will of God on earth. Heaven uniting with earth. double-builder 33, the power of the material world, balance
9 – Completion, whole creation, all thought, divine, full circle, bio-energy, complete creation, power, brilliance, triple connection and balance.
[mks_separator style=”dotted” height=”2″]The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness,andimpracticality. It is a dreamer. The 11 has all the aspects of the 2, enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, andothercatalyses with its mere presence. It is a number that, when not focused on some goal beyond itself, can beturnedinward to create fears and phobias. The 11 walks the edge between greatness and self-destruction. Its potential for growth, stability, and personal power lies in its acceptance of intuitive understanding, and of spiritual truths. For the 11, such peace is not found so much in logic, but in faith. It is the psychic’s number.The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers. It is often called the Master Builder. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality. It is potentially the most successful of all numbers. It has many of the inspirational insights of the 11, combined with the practicality and methodical nature of the 4. It is unlimited, yet disciplined. It sees the archetype, and brings itdown to earth in some material form. It has big ideas, great plans, idealism, leadership, and enormous self-confidence. If not practical, the 22s waste their potential. Like the 11, the 22 can easily shrink from its own ambition, causing difficult interior pressures. Both the 11 and the 22 experience the pressure-cooker effect very strongly, particularly at an early age. It must work toward the realization of goals that are larger than personal ambition. The 22 serves the world in a practical way.The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.  [ref]Numerology: Key to Your Inner Self By Hanz Decoz[/ref]



Numbers Their Culture and Their Meanings:

The Numbers explained Further Curiosity of Crystalinks [ref]  A major thank you to Ellie who let us use her pages for reference[/ref]:


Zero is a powerful number which brings great transformational change, sometimes occurring in a profound manner. It has much intensity, so caution is needed wherever it appears to ensure that extremes are not encountered.

Zero represents the Cosmic Egg, the primordial Androgyne – the Plenum. Zero as an empty circle depicts both the nothingness of death and yet the totality of life contained within the circle. As an ellipse the two sides represent ascent and descent, evolution and involution.

Before the One (meaning the Source—not the number) there is only Void, or non-being; thought; the ultimate mystery, the incomprehensible Absolute. Begins with meanings such as, Non-existence; nothingness; the unmanifest; the unlimited; the eternal. The absence of all quality or quantity.

Cultural References

Taoism: It symbolizes the Void; non-being.

Buddhism: It is the Void and no-thingness.

Kabbalism: Boundless; Limitless Light; the Ain.

Pathagoras saw zero as the perfect. Zero is the Monad, the originator and container of All.

Islamic: Zero is the Divine Essence.

Zero Number connected to  Fibonacci Numbers

One (1)

1 (one) is a number, numeral, and the name of the glyph representing that number. It is the natural number following 0 and preceding 2. It represents a single entity. One is sometimes referred to as unity or unit as an adjective. For example, a line segment of “unit length” is a line segment of length 1.

Is considered to be a primordial unity. The beginning. The Creator. It the First Cause or as some cultures refer, the First Mover. One is the sum of all possibilities. It is essence, the Center. One is referred to isolation. One springs forth, upsurges. It is seen as the number that gives cause to duality as multiplicity and back to final unity.

Chinese: refer to one as Yang, masculine; celestial. It is seen as an auspicios number. One is The Monad. Christian : God the Father; the Godhead.

Hebrew: Adonai, the Lord, the Most High, the I am, hidden intelligence.

Islamic: One refers to one as God as unity; the Absolute; self sufficient.

Pathagorean: One as meaning Spirit; God, from which all things come. It is the very essence, the Monad.

Taoism “Tao begets One, One begets Two, Two begets Three and Three begets all things.”

Two (2)

Duality. Alteration; diversity; conflict; dependence. Two is a static condition. It is rooted, seen as balance (two sides); stability; reflection. Two are the opposite poles. Represents the dual nature of the human being. It is desire, since all that is manifest in duality is in pairs of opposites. As One represents a point, two represents a length. The Binary is the first number to recede from Unity, it also symbolizes sin which deviates from the first good and denotes the transitory and the corruptible.Two represents two-fold strength—that is symbolized by two of anything, usually in history, by animals in pairs.

Cultural References

In Alchemy, two are the opposites, sun and moon. King and Queen. Sulpher and quicksilver, at first antagonistic but finally resolved and united in the androgyne.

Buddhist: see two as the duality of samsara; male and female. Two is theory and practice; wisdom and method. It is blind and the lame united to see the way and to walk it.

Chinese, two is Yin , feminine; terrestrial; inauspicious.

Christian: Christ with two natures as God and human.

Revelation: Two is the number of witness. The disciples were sent out by two’s (Mark 6:7). Two witnesses are required to establish truth (Deu 17:6, John 8:17, 2 Cor 13:1). Examples in Revelation are the beast out of the earth who has two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon (13:11). He is the false prophet. However the two witnesses are the true prophets of God (11:3).

Hebrew: Two is The life-force. In Qabalism wisdom and self-consciousness.

Hindu: Two is duality, the shakta-shakti.

Islamic: Two Spirit.

Platonic: Plato says two is a digit without meaning as it implies relationship, which introduces the third factor.

Pythagorean: Two is The Duad, the divided terrestrial being.

Taoist says two is representative of The K’ua, the Two. Determinants, the yin-yang. Two is a weak yin number as it as no center.

Duality. Alteration; diversity; conflict; dependence. Two is a static condition. It is rooted, seen as balance (two sides); stability; reflection. Two are the opposite poles. Represents the dual nature of the human being. It is desire, since all that is manifest in duality is in pairs of opposites. As One represents a point, two represents a length. The Binary is the first number to recede from Unity, it also symbolizes sin which deviates from the first good and denotes the transitory and the corruptible.Two represents two-fold strength—that is symbolized by two of anything, usually in history, by animals in pairs.

Cultural References

In Alchemy, two are the opposites, sun and moon. King and Queen. Sulpher and quicksilver, at first antagonistic but finally resolved and united in the androgyne.

Buddhist: see two as the duality of samsara; male and female. Two is theory and practice; wisdom and method. It is blind and the lame united to see the way and to walk it.

Chinese, two is Yin , feminine; terrestrial; inauspicious.

Christian: Christ with two natures as God and human.

Revelation: Two is the number of witness. The disciples were sent out by two’s (Mark 6:7). Two witnesses are required to establish truth (Deu 17:6, John 8:17, 2 Cor 13:1). Examples in Revelation are the beast out of the earth who has two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon (13:11). He is the false prophet. However the two witnesses are the true prophets of God (11:3).

Hebrew: Two is The life-force. In Qabalism wisdom and self-consciousness.

Hindu: Two is duality, the shakta-shakti.

Islamic: Two Spirit.

Platonic: Plato says two is a digit without meaning as it implies relationship, which introduces the third factor.

Pythagorean: Two is The Duad, the divided terrestrial being.

Taoist says two is representative of The K’ua, the Two. Determinants, the yin-yang. Two is a weak yin number as it as no center.

Three (3)

The third dimension – we do things in threes so they will manifest in our physical realm.

It’s roots stem from the meaning of multiplicity. Creative power; growth. Three is a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. Three is the first number to which the meaning “all” was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end.

The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Notice the distinction that soul and spirit are not the same. They are not. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present, future.

The symbol of three is the triangle. Three interwoven circles or triangles can represent the indissoluble unity of the three persons of the trinity. Others symbols using three are: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, trisula, thunderbolt, and trigrams.

The astral or emotional body stays connected to the physically body for three days after death. There is scientific evidence that the brain, even when all other systems are failing takes three days to register complete shutdown.

There are 3 phases to the moon. Lunar animals are often depcited as 3 legged.

Three is the heavenly number, representing soul, as four represents body. Together the two equal seven (3+4=7 ) and form the sacred hebdomad. The 3×4=12 representing the signs of the Zodiac and months of the year.

Pythagorean three means completion.

There are three wishes, genies have three wishes, three leprecons, three prince or princesses, three witches, three weird sisters among others.

Cultural References

Africa Ashanti: the moon goddess is three people, two black, and one white.

Arabian, Pre-Islamic: the Manant is a threefold goddess representing the 3 Holy Virgins, Al-Itab, Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat. They are depicted as aniconic stelae, stones or pillars, or as pillars surmounted by doves.

Buddhist: tradition the theme of 3 is represented by, The Tri-ratna, The Three Precious Jewels, and the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

Chinese: Sanctity; the auspicious number; the first odd, yang number….The moon toad, or bird, is three-legged.

Celtic: Bridgit is threefold; there are the Three Blessed Ladies and innumerable Triads, often a threefold aspect of the same divinity.

Christianity: Three represents the Trinity, the soul, the union of body and soul in human in the church. There were three gifts of the Magi to Christ as God-King-Sacrifice; three figures of transformation, temptations, denials by Peter (one of the 12 Apostles—- 12=3 (1+2=3). There were 3 crosses at Calvary, He died on The Hills, there were 3 days to the death process for Christ, and there were 3 appearances after his death. There were 3 Marys, and there are 3 qualities or theological virtutes being Faith, Hope, Love or more commonly known as Charity. The number 3 gives to the meaning the embracing Godhead – Father, Mother, Son/Daughter.

Egyptian: Hermetic tradition, Thoth is the Thrice Great, ‘Trismegistus’. The Supreme Power.

The opening line of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

Tablet 11

Three is the mystery, come from the great one,
Hear, and light on thee will dawn.
In the primeval dwell three unities,
Other than these none can exist.
These are the equilibrium, source of creation,
One God, One Truth, One Point of Freedom.
Three come forth from the three of the balance,
All Life, all Good, all Power.
Three are the qualities of God in his light-home
Infinite Power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.
Three are the circles (or states) of Existence:
The Circle of Light where dwells nothing but God,
and only God can traverse it,
The Circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from Death,
The Circle of Awareness where all things spring from Life.
All things animate are of three states of existence,
Chaos or death, liberty in humanity, and felicity of Heaven.

There is an ancient wisdom that’s says; ‘Messages or events that come in three’s are worth noticing. ‘Whenever anything is mentioned three times it is a witness to us that these things are of utmost importance.

Three symbolizes manifestation into the physical. It is the triangle – pyramid shape in the vesica pisces – see image below.

The TV Show ‘Charmed’ deals the ‘Power of Three Sister Witches’, known as the Charmed Ones. Their job is to vanquish evil forces in their many forms and sometimes non-forms.


The symbol to the side, called a Triquetra (tri-KET a Latin word meaning ‘three cornered’) appears on The Book Of ancient book of spells that assists these ‘Charmed Ones’ in dealing with the evil forces they are continually encountering. In some episodes so called evil and good must work together to bring balance to a situation. They cancel each other out in the end – poof – gone – disappeared!

‘Power of Three’ has to do with Alchemy. The Egyptian god Thoth or the Greek Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Blessed or Thrice Great) are the progenitors of the Emerald Tablets describing the mysteries of Alchemy. The alchemy of three is demonstrated by its power of multiplicity. For example, in understanding the numbers – One gave rise to Two (1+1=2) and Two gave Rise to Three (2+1=3) and Three gave rise to all numbers (3+1=4, 3+2=5, 3+3=6, 3+4=7, 3+5=8 3+6=9). Thus in addition to being a number of good fortune, Three is also the number of multiplicity and alchemy among other things.

Many believe the Triquetrais an ancient symbol of the female trinity, because it is composed of three interlaced yonic Vesica Pisces (a.k.a. PiscisSLatin for “Vessel of the Fish”) and is the most basic and important construction in Sacred Geometry, which is the architecture of the universe.

A Vesica is formed when the circumference of two identical circles each pass through the center of the other in effect creating a portal. ‘The Triquetra’ represents the ‘Power of Three’ or the threefold nature of existence i.e. body, mind and spirit; life, death and rebirth; past, present and future; beginning, middle and end; Sun, Moon and Earth; and the threefold co-creative process described as thought, word, and deed.

Vesica Pisces – Oval opening of the penis

The creation process as described in the Vedas is unfolding, maintaining, and concluding as in birth, life and death. There are innumerable trinities and triads throughout myth and religious traditions, such as the triple goddess; maiden, mother, crone. One example in Greek mythology is Kore, Demeter, Hecate. The Christian trinity is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Vedic trinities include Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva with their consorts Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali to name just a few.

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Four (4)

Four is the 4th dimension = time which is illusion.
Four is seen as the first solid number. Spatial in scheme or order in manifestation.
Static as opposed to the circular and the dynamic
Wholeness; totality; completion; solid
Earth; order
Rational – relativity and justice
Symbol of measurement

The are four cardinal points; four seasons; four winds; four directions (as in North, South, East, West); four elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) in the western culture.

There are four sides to a square; four arms to a cross. There are four rivers to Paradise, that formed a cross (the Garden of Eden was said to be within the four rivers). Within Paradise were four infernal regions, seas, and sacred mountains. There are four watches of the night and day, quarters of the moon. There are four quarters to the earth. There are four tetramorphs. The Divine Quaternity is in direct contrast to the Trinity. Four is a symbolic number used throughout in the Old Testament. The quaternary can be depicted as the quatrefoil as well as the square and the cross.

Cultural References

Native American: As in other cultures, ceremonies and ritual acts are repeated in fours. The Native Amercican cultures have used the number 4 most frequently as in the four cardinal directions. The four winds are depicted by the symbol of the cross and by the symbol of the swastika. The swastika as some misbelieve was not created by Hitler. It was instead borrowed from the Native American and occult beliefs of which Hitler had great interests. Hitler derived his “insanity” of power from his misdirected interpretation and use of metaphysical principles. He used knowledge that his human consciousness couldn’t possibly understand and the use of this knowledge for personal gain is part of the imbalance that creates the chaos and karma.

Buddhism: The Damba Tree of Life has four limbs and from its roots four sacred streams of Paradise that represent the the four boundless wishes of compassion, affection, love impartiality. It also represents the four directions of the heart as well.

Chinese Buddism: there are four celestial guardians of cardinal points are Mo-li Ch’ing, the East, with the jade ring and spear; Virupaksha, the West, the Far-gazer, with the four-stringed quitar; Virudhaka, the South, with the umbrella of choas and darkness and earthquakes; Vaisravenna, the North, with the whips, leopard-skin bag, snake and pearl.

Chinese: Four is the number of the Earth, symbolized by the square. There are four streams of immortality. Four is even an number. It is Yin in polarity.

Christian: Four is the number representing the body, with three representing the soul. Again we see the theme of the four rivers in Paradise. There are four Gospels, Evangelists, chef arch-angels, chef-devils, four Fathers of the Church, Great Prophets. There are four cardinal virtues—prudence, fortitude, justice, temperance. The are four winds from which the One Spirit is said to come. There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Revelation: There four angels standing at the four corners of the Earth, holding back the four winds of the earth (Rev 7:1). The great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language (four-fold description) – Rev 5:9 11:9 13:7 14:6 the four-fold description indicates that these people come from all over the earth.

Egyptian: Four is the sacred number of Time, measurement of the sun. Four pillars support the vault of heaven. There are four canopic jars placed around the dead at the four corners guarded by the four sons of Horus who are associated with the cardinal points. In the Hermetic it is the divine quaternity. It represents God.

Gnostic: belief in Barbelo, the Four-ness of God.

Greek: Four is the sacred number of Hermes.

Hebrew: Four represents measuring; beneficence; intelligence. In the Kabbalah four is memory; four represents the four worlds of the Kabbalah.It also represents the four directions of space and the four levels of the hierarchical organism of the Torah.

Hindu: Four is Totality; plenitude; perfection. Brahma, the Creator is four faced. The temple is based on the four sides of the square, symbolizing order and finality. There are four tattvas the four bodies bodies of human and kingdoms of nature which are animal, vegetable, mineral, mind. There are four yugas. Four is the winning throw of the dice. There are four castes and pairs of opposites.

Islamic: tradition the four terms of the quaternary are the Principle which is Creator; Universal Spirit; Universal Soul; and the primordial matter. These correspond to the four worlds of Kabbalism. There are four angelic beings and four houses of death. There are four levels to the Bardo.

Mayan culture four giants support the celestial roof. Four is seen as the number of support .

Pythagorean: Four is Perfection; harmonious proportion; justice; the earth. Four is the number of the Pythagorean oath. Four and ten are divinities. The Tetraktys 1+2+3+4=10.

Scandinavian: there are four rivers of milk flowing in Asgard.

Sumero-Semitic: Four astral gods are indentified with the four cardinal points.

Teutonic: four dwarfs support the world.

Taoist: There are four celestial guardians, Li, with the pagoda; Ma, with the sword; Cho with two swords; Wen with a spiked club.

Five (5)

Five is the symbol of human microcosm. The number of the human being. Human forms—-the pentagon when arms and legs are out stretched. The pentagon is endless —-sharing the symbolism of perfection and power of the circle. Five is a circular number as it produces itself in its last digit when raised to its own power. The pentacle, like the circle symbolizes whole, the quincunx being the number of its center and the meeting point of heaven, earth, and the four cardinal points plus the center point.

Five is also representative of the Godhead – Central Creator of the four fours plus itself equalling five. Five is the marriage of the hieros gamos as combination of feminine and the masculine. Feminine being even, as 2, in frequency and masculine being odd as 3 in frequency = 5.

The number five symbolizes meditation; religion; versatility. It represents the five senses (taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing) everywhere except in the East. In the East there are six—-the extra being Mind. We find meanings to five in the five petaled flower, five pointed leaves—especially the ROSE. The Rose has much symbolism, but also the lily, vine, all of which represent the microcosm.

The five pointed star depicts individuality and spiritual aspiration, and education when it points upward. The five pointed star pointing downward represents witchcraft, and it is used in black magic. Noted: There is a very broad difference between witchcraft and black magic.

The number five formed the first counting process from which all else came.

Cultural References

Alchemy: The five petaled flower and five pointed star symbolizing the quintessence.

Buddhist: belief the heart has four directions— the heart center makes five, symbolizing, universality. This idea is also symbolized by the Sacred Mountains surrounded by the four islands. There are five Dhyani Buddhas: Vairocana, the Brillant, who is represented by the wheel, the witness; Akshobhya, the Imperturbable, with vajra, the East and blue; Ratnasambhava, the Jewel-born, jewel, south, yellow; Amitabha, Boundless Light, lotus, West, red; Amoghasiddhi, Infallible Success, sword, North, green.

Chinese: There are five elements. Five atmospheres; conditions; planets; sacred mountains; grains, colors, tastes, poisons; powerful charms; cardinal virtues; blessings; eternal ideas; relations to human kind.

Christian: Five depicts human beings after the Fall in the Garden of Eden. There are five senses; five points to the cross; wounds of Christ; fishes feeding five thousand; and books of Moses.

Egyptian: There are five crocodiles of the Nile.

Graeco-Roman: Five is the nuptial number of love and union.. It is the number of Venus. Venus years are completed in groups of five. Apollo as god of light has five qualities: omniscience, omnipresence; omnipotence, eternity, and unity.

Hebrew: Five represents strength and severity; radical intelligence. In kabbala five represence fear.

Hindu: Five is the quinary groups of the world; the five elements of the subtle and coarse states; their primary colors; of senses; five faces of Siva and the twice-five incarnations of Vishnu.

Islamic: There are five pillars of religion; five Devine Presences; five fundamental dogmas; five actions; and five daily times of prayer.

Parsee: Five is a significant number in Parsee and Mandaean rites – possibly connected with the five sacred intercalary days of light.

Pythagorean: Hieros, gamos, the marriage of heaven, earth. It represents Apollo as God of light and his five qualities.

Crystalinks: The Pentagram Pentagrams often show up on palms – hands.

Six (6)

Six represents equilibrium; harmony – balance. It is the perfect number within the decad: 1+2+3=6. It is the most productive of all numbers.

It symbolizes union of polarity, the hermaphrodite being represented by the two interlaced triangles, the upward- pointing as male, fire and the heavens, and the downward-pointing as female, the waters and the earth.

Six is the symbol of luck; love; health; beauty; chance. It is a winning number at the throw of the dice in the West.

There are six rays of the solar wheel and there are six interlaced triangles. There are six pointed stars or Seal of Solomon – and Star of David – Merkabah

Cultural References

Chinese: Six represents Universe, with its four cardinal points and the Above and Below – making it a total of six directions. Chinese culture there are six senses: tastse, touch, smell, sight, hearing, the sixth being mind. The day and night each have six periods.

Christian: Six is perfection; completion because man was created on the sixth day. Six is man’s number The most obvious use of this number is in the notorious passage containing 666.

    (Rev 13:18 NIV) This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.

Hebrew: There are six days of creation. It symbolizes meditation and intelligence.

Kabbalism: Six is creation, and beauty.

Pythagorean: Luck

Sumerian: Six days of creation

Seven (7)

If 6 represents humanity then 7 – the center of the spiral is humanity’s connection to its source, god, Christ consciousness – or whatever name you prefer.

Seven is the number of the Universe. It is the three of the heavens (soul) combined with the four (body) of the earth; being the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal. In looking over the list of meanings it doesn’t take long to figure out why the seven has become significant in metaphysical, religious and other spiritual doctrines – as seven represents the virginity of the Great Mother – feminine archetype – She who creates.

There are 7
ages of man
ancient wonders of the world
circles of Universe
cosmic stages
days of the week
pillars of wisdom
rays of the sun
musical notes – sound as frequency plays a key roll in matters of Universe. There are over 80 octaves of frequency – each governing a specific manifestation in Universe.

Cultural References

In all cultures, myths and legends seven represents…

completeness and totality

The writings about the seven-headed dragon appear throughout India, Persia, the Far East, especially Cambodia, but also Celtic and other Mediterranean myths.

The seventh ray of the sun is the path by which the human beings pass from this world to the next. Seven days is the period for fasting and penitence. The seventh power of any number, both square and a cube and thus was given great importance.

Alchemy – There are seven metals involved with the Work.

Astrology: There are seven stars of the Great Bear which are indestructible. There are seven Pleiades— sometimes referred to as the, Seven Sisters.

Buddhist: Seven is the number of ascent and of ascending to the higest; attaining the center. The seven steps of Buddha symbolize the ascent of the seven cosmic stages transcending time and space. The seven-storied prasada at Borobadur is a sacred mountain and axis mundi, culminating in the transcendent North, reaching the realm of Buddha.

Chinese culture the meaning and symboligies are intertwined throughout in their myths and legends of fairies and animal spirits.

Christian: Seven is idealogogy. God is represented by the seventh ray in the center of the six rays of creation. There are seven sacraments; gifts of spirit; the seven of 3+4 theological and cardinal virtues; deadly sins, tiers of Purgatory (in metaphysical belief this would be one of the lower astral planes – or in Buddhism, one of the Bardo planes). There are 7 councils of the early church – crystal spheres containing the planets – devils cast out by Christ – joys and sorrows of Mary the Blessed Virgin, mother of Jesus – liberal arts – major prophets – periods of fasting and penitence – seventh day after the six of creation

In the Old Testament there are the seven altars of Baalam; oxen and rams for sacrifice; trumpets; circuits of Jericho; seven times Naaman bathed in the Jordan. Seven is the number of Samon’s bonds; the child raised by Elisha sneezed seven times. The Ark rested on the seventh month and the dove was sent out after seven days.

The number seven is used 55 times in Revelation. It usually means fullness or completeness as in seven days of the week. God rested on the seventh day. Examples abound: seven churches, seven trumpets, seven seals, seven bowls, seven eyes etc etc.

Egyptian mythology: There are seven Hathors as Fates and the priestesses of Hathor have seven jars in their seven tunics. Ra has seven hawks representing the seven Wise Ones. Six cows and a bull represent fertility. There are seven houses of the underworld, as depicted in Egyptian myths, with three times seven gates. Seven is the sacred number of Osiris.

Graeco-Roman: Sacred to Apollo, whose lyre has seven strings, and to Athene/Minerva and Ares/Mars; Pan had seven pipes (again a reference to seven musical notes and frequency); there seven Wise Men of Greece.

Hebrew tradition: Seven is the number of occult intelligence. There are seven Great Holy Days in the Jewish year; the Menorah has seven branches; the Temple took seven years to build; and there are seven pillars of wisdom.

Hinduism there are Seven Jewels of the Brahmanas and seven gods before the floods and seven Wise Men saved from it.

Islamic: The perfect number is seven. In Islamic tradition there are references to seven:
earths and seas
prophets (active powers) states or stations of the heart The Ka’aba is circumambulated seven times representing the seven attributes of God.

Magic: There are seven knots in a cord for “spellbinding” and incantations are sevenfold. Certain orders of Brotherhood use theme of tying seven knots in their rope sash worn around their waist.

Mithraic: The cave of Mithras has seven doors, seven altars, and a ladder with seven rungs depicting the seven grades of initiation into the mystery schools.

Pythagorean: Seven is a cosmic number with three of heaven and four of the world.

Sumero-Semitic: There are seven lunar divisions and days of the week. “Thou shalt shine with horns to determine six days and on the seventh with half a crown.”, the seventh thus becomes opposition to the sun and symbolizes darkness and balefulness and therefore is dangerous to undertake anything on the seventh day because that is the day of rest. We can see here the influence of this belief in other religious contexts. There are seven zones of earth; heavens, symbolized by the planes of ziggurat.

There are seven branches to the Tree of Life each having seven leaves. Leaves are symbols of fertility, renewal and growth. There are seven gates of hell, seven demons of Tiamat and seven winds to destroy her—-interesting to note that in many belief systems it is said that the astral plane has seven levels to it—one sound on one of those levels is “wind”.

Seven is a mystic number traditionally associated with Venus and more recently with Neptune. It is the number of feelings and of instincts – of the Group Mind, of Love, whether that strange, indescribable but pervasive feeling of love is towards another person, a pet, oneself or one’s God. ‘Love’ embodies tremendous sexual energy, the emotions of which may be directed in various ways.


Heptagon is the inward directing of that emotion, the containment, the ‘love inside’, that is symbolized by the heptagon. It is the love we ‘hold’ and can equally signify a deep religious conviction, a forming of our God in our own image or an infatuation with another. It is feeling contained.

Eight (8)

Spiritually eight is the goal of the initiate, having gone through the seven stages. Eight is Infinity – Paradise regained.

Eight is solidarity as the first cube and it denotes perfection by virtue of it’s six surfaces. There are eight winds and intermediate directions of space. Eight represents the pairs of opposites. The octagon is the beginning of the transformation of the square into a circle and vice versa.

Cultural References

Eight in many cultures and ideologies seems to have similar meanings: Felicity
Perfect rhythm

In some myths the eighth day created the new “man” of grace. After seven days of fasting and penance the eighth day becomes plenty and renewal. 7+1 is the number of the octave which is a continual theme in all esoteric belief systems. The knowledge of frequency and sound are a vital key in the ancient “mystery schools”.

Buddhist tradition: eight is completion, all possibilities. There are eight symbols of good augury.

Chinese system of belief eight represents the whole. It is all possibilities in manifestation. Eight is seen as a good luck number. The PAKUA is the design depicting the eight trigrams and pairs of opposites, usually in a circle, the circumference of which symbolizes time and space. There are eight delights of human existence.

Christian: Eight is regeneration and rebirth. The font is usually octagonal as symbolizing the place of regeneration. There are eight beatitudes.

Egyptian: Eight is the number of Thoth.

Hebrew: Eight is perfect intelligence; splendor. The digit value of “IHVH” is the “Number of the Lord”. The Temple was sanctified in eight days.

Hermetic: In their system there is one chief God, (eight minor gods) Thoth/Hermes was the inventor of numbers and geometry.

Hindu: 8×8 symbolism is the order of the celestial world established on earth. Temples are built on the pattern of the MANDALA, which is the 8×8 symbol. In their belief system there are eight regions of the world, suns, divisions of the day, and eight chakras.

Islamic: The throne which encompasses the world is supported by eight angels, corresponding to both the eight divisions of space and the groups of letters in the Arabic alphabet.

Japanese: Eight is the “many”. There are eight Gods in the heavens.

Platonic: Plato has eight spheres of different colors surrounding the luminous pillars of the heavens.

Pythagorean: Eight is solidarity and stability.

Sumero-Semitic: Eight is the magic number of Nebo.

Taoist: Eight to be All possibilities in manifestation with the Pa Kua representing the forces in the phenomenal world. There are eight Taoist genii or immortals.



Nine (9)

Nine is composed of the all-powerful 3×3.

It is the Triple Triad – Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number – the Earthly Paradise.

It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference.

Nine is symbolized by the two triangles which are a symbol of male, fire, mountain and female, water, cave principles.

Cultural References

Buddhist tradition holds nine to be the supreme spiritual power, and a celestial number.

Celtic legend symbolizes nine as a highly significant number. It is a central number with the eight directions with the center making nine. The Triple Goddesses are thrice three. There are nine Celtic maidens and nine white stones that symbolize the nine virgins attendant on Bridgit. Nine is connected with the Beltane Fire rites which are attended by 81( 8+ 1= 9) men, nine at a time.

Chinese: Nine is qa celestial power. It is 3×3 being the most auspicious of all the numbers. Nine also signifies the eight directions with the center as the ninth point known as the Hall of Light. There are nine great social laws and classes of officials. In land divisions for Feng Shui there are eight exterior squares for cultivation of the land by holders and the central, and ninth, square is a “god’s acre”, dedicated to Shang-ti, the supreme ruler. It is also known as the Emperor’s Field, giving homage and respect denoting the position of heavenly power.

Christian: Nine is one of the numbers that appears scantly in Christian symbolism. There are the triple triads of choirs of angels and nine spheres and nine rings around hell.

Egyptian mythology nine represents The Ennead.

Graeco-Roman: There are nine Gods and later nine muses.

Hebrew: Nine is pure intelligence ( eight was perfect intellingence ). Also represents truth, since it reproduces itself when multiplied.

Kabbalism nine symbolizes foundation.

Hindu: Nine is the number of Agni, fire. The square of the nine forms the mandala of eighty-one squares and leads to, and encloses the Universe.

Mayan: There are nine underworlds each ruled by a God. We find this reference to “nine underworlds” present in many cultures and beliefs.

Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of numbers.

Scandinavian: Odin/Woden hung for nine days and nights on the Yggdrasil to win the secrets of wisdom for humankind. Skeldi, the northern Persephone, the goddess of snow, lives in her mountain for three months and by Niord’s sea for nine months. Nine is the sacred number in Scandinavian-Teutonic symbolism.

Ten (10)

10 = 1 = Rebirth – that which stirs and awakens your soul at this time.

Ten is the number of the cosmos—-the paradigm of creation. The decad contains all numbers and therefore all things and possibilities. It is the radix or turning point of all counting.

Ten is all-inclusive representing law; order and dominion. The tetraktys 1+2+3+4= 10 symbolizes divinity and one represents a point; two, length; three, a plane or surface (as a triangle); four, solidity or space.

It is seen as the perfect—the return to unity. When based on the digits of the two hands, it is completeness and the foundation of all counting. Its highest ranges of completeness, 100 and 1000, are the basis of all Hindu cosmology, and in China the Ten Thousand Things, ie: the uncountable, symbolize the whole of manifestation.

Ten is also the number of completion of journeys and returns to origins: Odysseus wandered for nine years and returned on the tenth. Troy was besieged for nine years and fell on the tenth. Ten is the sum of the number nine of the circumference with the one of the center—-being perfection. We see ten also being symbolized in rituals like the ritual of the Maypole – the one of the axis with the circle danced around.

Cultural References

Chinese: Represented by a cross formed centrally by the character chi, symbolizing the self facing both ways as both Yin and Yang, which is considered to be the perfect figure. The Ten Celestial Stems (Kan) are possibly connected with the names of the ten-day week on the prevailing cyclic calculations, as evident in the number sixty.

Christian: There are ten Commandments of the Decalogue; as there are ten parables of the ten lamps, virgins, and talents. Tithes were to be given to God.

Gnostic: The ten Aeons become Sephiroth, emanating from the Pleroma.

Hebrew: In Qabalism ten is the numerical value of Yod, the Eternal Word, the first letter of the Divine name. Still in keeping with the Qabalist theme, ten, is representative of …

– The Decalogue

– Divine support

– Intelligence

– The Kingdom

– The ten names of God

– Resplendent

– Sephiroth The spheres or emanations from the Ein Soph, symbolized by the Tree of Life. The first being the Monad, the First Cause of the other nine which are composed of three trinities, each being an image of the original Trinity of male-female and uniting intelligence. The tenth Adoni represents the mystic return to unity. In Solomon¹s Temple there were ten lavers, tables and candlesticks. The cherubim were ten cubits high and ten Levites minister before the Ark.

Islamic: Tithing holds an important place.

Hindu: Ten is based on the higher ranges of ten, ie: 100 and 1000.

Pythagorean: Ten is The Monad, the recommencement of a series and infinite expansion. Ten is perfection.

Roman: Ten is represented by X, the perfect figure and is seen as completion.

Sumero-Semitic: The tenth day of the Spring Festival was celebrated by a procession comprising the whole of the Gods.

Eleven (11)

The number 11 is double digit that repeats itself – therefore is considered as a Master or Power Number. In Numerology – 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.

Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.

In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number.

Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down (1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality.

11:11 is a digital code for awakening that many see.

Twelve (12)

12:12 references the digital code for the illusion of time.

2012 Mayan Calendar

12 Around 1 to create a matrix or consciousness programs of reality.

12=3 = third dimension, physical Reality.

12:12=3+3=6=Star of David – Merkabah – Kabbalah – Tree of Life – blueprint for the architecture of our reality.

Reality is created by 12 a source. (Triggered by a tone – the source divides into 12 pyramids which spiral around the source creating a multi-dimensional grid or matrix. This is the source of energy which creates everything our soul experiences in many levels of grid realities. This all occurs simultaneously – though 12 is a measure of time – the calendar months – clocks – astrology – etc.

The Duocad is a complete cycle; cosmic order. The 3×4 is both the spiritual and temporal order—the esoteric and the exoteric. There are twelve signs in the standard Zodiac and twelve months in our year. Twelve hours of the day and night.

12 is a higher octave of the number three and is an indicator of great understanding and wisdom. Much of its knowledge is gleaned from life experiences which enables a sense of calm to prevail in even the most turbulent of situations. Twelve is significant in ancient man¹s life because there were twelve tribes in Israel, twelve disciples followed Jesus, there are twelve astrological signs in the zodiac, there are twelve months in the year, and our modern clock is divided into two groups of twelve hours. It is considered to be the ancient number of completion as it signals the end of childhood and the beginning stages of adulthood. Additionally, the ancient numbering and measuring systems are based on this number, as evidenced by terms such as a dozen (12), a gross (12 times 12), a shilling (12 pence) and a foot (12 inches). Negatively, twelve can suffer from a form of depression brought about by a feeling of resignation that life¹s events have transpired in such a way. (There are also 12 countries using the euro as of December 2004.)

Cultural References

There are twelve fruits of the Cosmic Tree. It is said that there are twelve days of return to chaos at he Winter Solstice, when the dead return celebrated in the Saturnalia in Rome. There are twelve days of Yuletide and Christmas; these celebrations are also found in Vedic, Chinese, Pagan and European symbolism. The days are said to forecast the meteorological pattern of the twelve months of the coming year.

Buddhist: There are twelve members of the council of the Dalai Lama.

Celtic: There were twelve paladins or peers of Charlemagne and twelve knights of the Round Table at King Arthur’s court.

Chinese: There are twelve Terrestrial Branches:
(chih) Boar

These are the Beasts of the Constellations and are under the six branches of the Year Tree; there are six wild,—-Yin and six domestic—-Yang animals represented.

Christian: There are twelve Fruits of the Spirit; Tribes of Israel and there are twelve Apostles. There are twelve gates and foundation stones of the Holy City. There are twelve days of Christmas.

Revelation: Twelve indicates God working in the world through man as in the twelve tribes of Israel and twelve apostles. The woman of 12:1 with a crown of twelve stars on her head represents the Old Testament people of God who bring forth the Messiah (cf. Gen 37:9). We have the new Jerusalem with twelve gates and on the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel (21:12). The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb (21:14). Both these indicate that the New Jerusalem has saints from both the old and new testaments. Also associated with the New Jerusalem are the numbers 144 and 12,000 which are multiples of twelve. 1,260 days, 42 months, time, times and half a time, three and a half days. These numbers are either three and a half years or three and a half days or in other words a half week (of years). When these periods are used in Revelation they indicate either persecution or protection.

It may also reference third dimension.

Graeco-Roman: Herodotus says there are twelve gods and goddesses of Olympus. Hesiod mentions there were twelve Titans. Twelve is also the number of the Tables of the Law and the days and nights is Saturnalia.

Hebrew: There are twelve fruits of the Tree of Life and twelve gates of the Heavenly City. There are twelve loaves of the Table of the Temple, which represented the months of the year. Aaron had twelve precious stones in his breastplate. There were twelve sons of Jacob.

Hermetic: There are twelve months of the year and there were twelve torments.

Islamic: Twelve descendants of Ali, the Imams or directors rule the twelve ours of the day.

Zodiac has six northern (wet) and six southern (dry) signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are fire, hot and dry, East. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorns are earth, cold, dry, South. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius are air, hot, wet, West. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are water, cold, wet, North.

Mithraic: Mithra had twelve disciples.

Sumero-Semitic: There are twelve days of duel between Chaos and Cosmos.

Thirteen (13)

Does anybody believe that Friday the 13th is necessarily a bad luck day anymore? Get over it. Superstitions make great copy and distill fear, the key element in our reality upon which most storylines are based. They control those who would allow themselves to be controlled, or more to the point, are programmed to that end and need to awaken and move beyond conditioning. In the 21st (3) century, for most adults … it’s just another day in the life.

Reality is myth, math and metaphor created by the patterns of Sacred Geometry that repeat in cycles called Time (Clock) and Space (Space). 12 Around 1 or 13

13 = (1+3) = 4 = closure of our reality program or the evolution of consciousness back into light.

4 also references the number 40, given significance throughout history. Year 40 was a leap year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar.

13 is a Fibonacci Number (F7).

13 is the 6th prime number. 6 is sometimes considered an unlucky number due to its association with 666 (18=9=closure).

13 is the second Star Number.

There are 13 circles in Metatron’s Cube.

13 is the atomic number of aluminium. In chemistry and physics, the atomic number (also known as the proton number) is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom. It is traditionally represented by the symbolZ. The atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. In an atom of neutral charge, atomic number is equal to the number of electrons. The atomic number is closely related to the mass number, which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

In prophecy we find:

The lunisolar calendar generally has 12 months but every second or third year has 13.

With the 12 around 1 matrix, we find the origins of a superstition linking 13 people at the Last Supper – 12 disciples around Jesus, his death creating bad luck, until he returns.

The human menstrual period occurs in a typical woman every 28 days, and this in many ancient cultures suggested a connection between thirteen and women. The association of thirteen with bad luck may be a vilification of the “female” number.

According to another interpretation, the number 13 is unlucky because it is the number of full moons in a contemporary year, but two full moons in a single calendar month (mistakenly referred to as a blue moon in a magazine article of the 1940s) only happens about every 5 years.

Early nursery rhymes stated there were thirteen months in a year because of the natural moon cycle that was used to count the lunar year. In England, a calendar of thirteen months of 28 days each, plus one extra day, known as “a year and a day” was still in use up to Tudor times.

It was suggested by Charles A. Platt writing in 1925 that the reason 13 is considered unlucky is that a person can count from 1-12 with their 8 fingers, two thumbs and 2 feet, but not beyond that, so the number 13 is unknown, hence frightening, hence unlucky. This idea discounts the use of toes or other body parts in counting.

In Scotland, there is no gate 13 in any airport, instead there is a gate 12B.
Inside of a Lufthansa plane with row numbers going straight from 12 to 14.
Some airplanes skip a row 13, going straight from 12 to 14.

Some tall buildings have resorted to skipping the “thirteenth floor”, either by numbering it “14” or as “12a”.

Some streets do not contain a house number 13.

In some forms of motor sport, for example Formula One, there is no number 13 car.

In many cultures, getting married on any day of the week that falls under number 13 is highly discouraged. There is a superstition that should thirteen sit at a table to dine, one will die in the next year. This prompted the formation of The Thirteen Club to debunk it.

The legion with which Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon was the Legio XIII Gemina or the 13th legion.

The Code of Hammurabi, a collection of laws created ca. 1760 BC, does not contain a thirteenth law.

The College of William and Mary claims 13 priorities, or achievements of the academic world, which they accomplished before any other university or college in the United States. For example, William and Mary was the first college in the US to establish an honor code. A marble plaque commemorating these 13 priorities hangs on the exterior wall of the Wren Building, the nation’s oldest academic building still in continuous use. Today, the Wren Building houses the college’s Religious Studies department.

The Apollo 13 spacecraft malfunctioned after being launched on April 11th at 13:13 CST, forcing it to return to Earth without a landing on the moon and imperiling its crew.

After 13 years of being the richest man in the world, Microsoft Corporation chairman Bill Gates lost this title, according to Forbes magazine’s 2008 list of the world’s billionaires.

Microsoft plans to skip Office 13 for being “an unlucky number,” going directly from Office 12 to Office 14.

The creators of the online game Kingdom of Loathing avoid the number 13 in all of their programming.


Are you having Trouble with Getting into Action? I have just the thing for you! 

The Reconnect to Soul Challenge  – A 5 Day Challenge To Amplify your Intuition, Ditch your blocks and Get Back into ACTION! (details below) 

The feedback around the challenge was so amazing, I decided to bring it back as a very low cost offer in the shop! 

Here’s some of what people said after doing the soul work that accompanies each lesson: 

“At times I forget who I am and what I am capable of.I came here specifically for a chance to remember and it all came back – THANK YOU!” 

“Since the challenge I have had several powerful breakthroughs in perception! I was finally able to see a long time trigger from a different perspective and I realized that I was projecting an aspect of myself that needed healing onto the situation. It was a huge “AHA!” moment for me.” 

“I just finished day 2 of developing my intuition. So many great nuggets. A revelation to realize the interconnectedness of mind body and soul. “

“Ashley, thank you for putting together these challenges, they in themselves are so helpful!!!! “

Why I felt called to make this challenge for our community:

Many of us are feeling uncertainty, low motivation, stuck in inaction or falling into procrastination right now. This is the perfect time to get reconnected to soul and amplify our intuition.

When we reconnect to soul, we feel motivated to jump into action.

We need a spiritual tune up & a mini challenge is a perfect way to do that. 

If you are feeling:
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+ Low Motivation
+ Stuck in Inaction
+ Procrastinating
+ Caught up in fear or uncertainty
+ need help connecting to spiritual guidance
+ ready to expand your third eye
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This is probably the challenge made for you!

Check it out below for immediate access after signup:

>>> The Reconnect to Soul 5 Day Challenge + Soul Work >>>

Sending love + hugs,



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5 Responses

  1. My mind is just…utterly blown. The first part of this page surprised me beyond belief. For three years I have been travelling within the astrals and learning the wisdom and truths of our realities. The 11s, as I learned, were the portals between the worlds. They popped up on over 85% of my astral projection dates. I had no idea it was all …real. The fact that we are all conscious together, that reality is composed of numbers, for years I was obsessed over those ideas and wrote them repeatedly in my journals and computer logs. I believed them, but I never did any research or tried to learn from outside sources. I am so glad I found this website, because everything that I have learned over the past 3 years is all written here- and it completely validates every single experience and bit of wisdom I have picked up. This is a miracle.

  2. I’ve had the number 33 crop up in my life a few times. A house I’ve lived in in 2007-2012 was 33 and so is my current house. My first birthday in my current house I turned 33 as well!! Then multiples of 3 seem to sneak into my life on many occasions. I have no idea why. Xx

  3. I have been searching for the meaning of the number 34. As you said it best, it has been haunting me. Not in a bad way at all but I have been longing to connect with the messages that I believe they are intending for me, but I have yet to figure it out. Do you have any information on that number, or is it my spirit guides reaching out telling me I’m on the right track?

  4. Good day,
    I often see 69! after im start meditating 7 mounts ago. I do not know what it means if you can help me to find out, thank you in advance

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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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