The facade of Growth.

When a flower blooms, does it ever force itself to be a flower? Does it ever try so hard that it recites affirmations of ‘i am a beautiful flower, i am a beautiful flower’ – No.

The affirmations may serve the flower for a time as it awaits change – but what is happening underneath the surface?

It simply. naturally. accepts its evolution of change. and blooms.

the facade of Growth, Why do we simply resist our Acceptance of Truth of What is in the present moment?

Acceptance that we’re in lack.

Acceptance that we have an emotion.

Acceptance that we’re afraid.

Acceptance that we want to change but we’re afraid to change at the same time.

What if you don’t need a laundry list of things to heal yourself and actually what you need to do Is Accept yourself just as you are?

How much would that illusion of growth shatter and what would you DO in that space of VOID?

In that space of holy shit – my ego is now shattered, I can simply accept me as me?

How many in the spiritual community are put under this spell of forced growth through a set of dogmatic rules or an illusion of Struggle all for the sake of being “Higher Vibrational”

and often to reach the state of pure enlightenment.

And the dangerous or often troubling thing about this is it really isn’t that different than saying:

I have a laundry list of things to do, to feel, to be so I can now be a spiritual badass and NOW I am good enough. But until then…I’m out of luck. I suck. I need to do more work on myself. I need to heal. I’m not enough as I am.

And I see it as a trap that actually denies change and true growth – because what they aren’t really telling you is you’re just perpetuating the RESISTANCE and looping it through your nervous system on repeat.

And what if the illusion is the healing is simply part of the evolution of change, of growth and in your refusal to accept it – you resist your own alignment.

as a spiritual teacher it drives me a bit crazy – how harmful some of the teachings are when we say high vibe only, let’s bypass our right to be human and in doing so LETS MAKE THE RESISTANCE EVEN BIGGER – and give a full on ILLUSION that I healed it.

But it’s like a unconscious HIGH, let me consume more and more and more so I can be high vibe all the way floating up into space consuming more and more and more – while I suddenly step away from that external thing and realize,

SHOCKED – nothing has actually changed,
I haven’t healed anything,
and i am STILL pushing away with full on resistance towards what i actually desire – thinking poof

if i magically change things externally
and focusing on changing what is outside of me things will magically shift without doing any mofo Internal work that idk makes up the core components of reality.

and then they preach that, make it harder for others and give an illusion of healing that isn’t actually capable of quantum leaps, true emotional liberation of self or any of the above.

But its cool, substitute your coffee – its what is destroying your manifesting,

Are you meditating enough? because if you’re not your vibration obviously isn’t good enough to receive what you want. Be more high vibe okay?

Let me sniff some more oils and see if that works LOL

It’s always about changing the inner to influence the outer – everything else is a facade of noise –

If you want real change, change the Internal environment,

understand your own Alignment

and watch the quantum leap happen as you are NOW –

no longer resisting yourself.

In today’s vlog, I share WHY it’s important to Release the Struggle so you step into your natural evolution of self- growth.

This conversation is sooo soo needed in the spiritual community space.


I want you to think about, 

Where are you making things overly hard or striving with a pushing energy in your life? 

What area is this completely taking over your mind? 

We often make things harder than necessary, 

We often are striving to prove a point to ourselves. 

And More times than not, we DO justify the struggle to feel validated in our pain rather than give ourselves permission to feel full on pleasure. 

It was never  about Striving to Be More. Do More. Have more. 

It was always about following your path of least resistance so you naturally Accept 

You already CAN

Have more. 

Do more. 

Be more. 

And allow it to be more fun, easy, flow and Do it in the way that makes YOU happy, 

In a way that feels Fuck yes in your body, 

In a way that feels Good to You. 

It was always about releasing the complications so you activate your power. 

Because all of the above, was you just forgetting 

you had the power inside you the entire time, 

to make it easier for yourself. 

It’s time to Activate what you know inside of you is already REAL and true. 

It’s time to Access your Alignment. 



 This for those of you who are feeling:

  • Are you Over Being constantly in “do mode” over-working, over-achieving & sacrificing as a result?
  • Are you feeling stuck, frozen or letting fear keep you in inaction?
  • Do you find yourself being more reactive emotionally and seeking approval in your relationships?
  • Are you obsessing about those damn hows and getting stopped on what to do next?
  • Most importantly are you not following through and putting yourself last?

And are you ready to end the self-sabotage for good?

If I am hearing a hell yes – then it’s time for an Alignment Reset 

This Challenge is designed to get you out of Misalignment and teach you over the course of 21 days the unique ways we can access our personal energetic alignment.

The challenge will also teach you some powerful techniques to Shift your Mindset & reprogram your mind so you can stop letting fear run the show.

This will be a 21 day Journey together with mini-coaching Lessons each day  where you will learn:

+ How to Cultivate More Awareness to Remove Resistance Patterns 

+ Manage your Energy to Shift your Mindset & environments 

+ Raise your Vibrations Naturally to Re-align with Higher Truth & work with your body 


+ Manifest with more ease by exercising your Co-creative Power from a place of Alignment.


We start July 19th,

Join us below:


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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