So we're in the second week of january, coming into another stargate 1.11.11 and we set our resolutions in place for the new year. Now many of us are already falling off the bandwagon with our goals or new diets. We fall into old habits, time and time again. We often refuse to make the change actually happen, why is that? This is usually because there is a resistance holding us back from stepping into a new reality.

So we’re in the second week of January, coming into another stargate 1.11.11 and we set our resolutions in place for the new year. Now many of us are already falling off the bandwagon with our goals or new diets. We fall into old habits, time and time again. We often refuse to make the change actually happen, why is that?

This is usually because there is a resistance holding us back from stepping into a new reality.

The focus shifts between: What can I do better? to What is wrong with me?

We begin to let the self-doubt creep in, we let fear run chaos in our lives and often more times than we like, we let our excuses dictate our actions. Suddenly beating ourselves up in the process instead of feeling better.

I had these exact thoughts  last year:

Why do we let the resistance stop us?

Everytime we start getting real with ourselves, our ego tries to stop us from fully actualizing our goals. Maybe because it’s not the goals themselves that are illustrating what we want, it’s the feeling behind the goals that are truly driving us.

When we ask ourselves this question: What truly am I doing in my life right now that Lights me up?

It may automatically bring up resistance, It may question your own beliefs, and it may make you pissed off. That’s what resistance is programmed us to do. The ego will continue keeping us small and it is through energizing a higher truth that we begin to see otherwise.

Our Resistance is always there, there is no denying that we all have an ego. However we can learn to make peace with our resistance or we can learn to constantly sabotage ourselves by choosing our excuses.


There was a powerful meditation I did awhile back where Deepak Chopra opened with the following passage:

“We have a desire because we feel a lack.  Just as hunger makes you eat when your stomach is empty, there is a sense of need behind every desire.  Need is double-edged.  If it’s part of growing, expanding and evolving, need is good.  Everyone benefits from the need to explore who they are, to find more love, to reach for the highest.  But the other side of need is feeling that you, yourself are not enough”

This passage deeply spoke to me because what it really said was that behind every desire is an energy we are craving within ourselves. Now if we think about this, it’s really expansive to realize that what we desire most of all is wholeness. Therefore when we have these goals and resolutions we make, there is deep down a core message that higher self is trying to show us.

And this is why the resistance shows up because it brings up what is stopping us from having these desires, from the realization that we are already whole as the universe.

Every desire is composed of energy you are craving for inner fulfillment.

Therefore when we dig deeper behind our goals, dreams, wishes, and deep desires. We are searching for the things we most need within ourselves.

For instance, more money is a sign for worthiness and feeling worthy in all aspects of our life or A love relationship is a sign that we are searching for the love within ourselves because deep down we don’t love ourselves.

There is always a Higher Motive behind every desire and the easiest way to combat our resistance is to go deeper into our Desires.


  • What would happen if we pushed through the fear and did it anyway?
  • What if we didn’t stop ourselves?
  • What if we let ourselves be led by what truly lights us up?
  • What if instead of listening to the resistance, we accepted it as a part of us and moved forward unapologetically

As i’m currently reading The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte {Side note it’s currently free if you wish to read with me}, I began to see we are setting goals and resolutions backwards. It’s not about the new iphone, love relationship or even the money.

That is all energy.

It all matters and yet it’s really about asking yourself  – what Lights you up?

Because if you reframe your goals around how can I light myself up daily? How do I wish to feel?

How Can I bring more of this energy into my life?

Your Energy Expands and Re-energizes automatically into the direction of your Fulfillment.

Material items are a part of the equation, material things are great, It’s great to have luxury and honor your soul as your temple. I feel as spiritual beings we often dismiss the material and it’s a big part of the symbolism of our soul as human beings.

However what we’re really seeking is complete Inner fulfillment.

as Danielle says “we don’t value inner attunement as much as we value outer attainment.”

Let’s take the time this year to truly, wholeheartedly Honor our Inner attunement by asking yourself the simple question:

“How do I wish to feel today? What do I choose to experience today?”

And know without a shadow of doubt, you can ALWAYS choose again.


I dare you right now to Declare to yourself:

Say it out loud and Declare it to the universe that you mean business because when we operate from a place of what lights us up,  we begin lighting up the world.


So we're in the second week of january, coming into another stargate 1.11.11 and we set our resolutions in place for the new year. Now many of us are already falling off the bandwagon with our goals or new diets. We fall into old habits, time and time again. We often refuse to make the change actually happen, why is that? This is usually because there is a resistance holding us back from stepping into a new reality.


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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