How do I manifest my Dream Career, my Dream Business, or my Dream Job?

A Question I’ve asked myself a million times 😆

I imagine if you’re reading this article, you’ve felt the same.

Well it Starts with a Solid Foundation of your Career Blueprint

Today in our How to Manifest series, we are going into the depths of what it really takes to start with a solid foundation to manifest your Dream Job. Here’s the thing, We won’t manifest something that is out of integrity with who we are, this is often a misaligned goal if we feel this way.

This is why we need a solid foundation to start manifesting a new career and set up our vision for success!

i’m sharing my Top 3 steps on how you can use manifesting principles with attracting in your Dream Job or Career starting today. If you apply what i’m about to teach you, you will definitely see a shift. So if you’re serious, let’s dive in.

In this video we explore:

  • What it really takes to establish a Solid Vision for Your Career Path
  • What is the #1 thing to do if you want a fully Aligned Job and not settle.
  • 3 Things you can do today to get started!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, If you enjoy this video, please like, share with others, and subscribe for weekly video drops every Friday!

Also below i’m providing some Exercises from one of my older blogs that inspired this week’s video. Plus, I’m updating it with the new tips featured in this new video which goes in-depth on Manifesting Your Vision for your Dream Career.


First, to manifest our dream Job or Career, we need to set up the foundation for Success. Otherwise, what’s the point? If you’re not even clear on your vision, how are you going to step into it?

When it comes to career ( or honestly anything we’re manifesting), one thing I learned a long time ago is Intention is everything.

The real truth is If we’re not defining what we actually want, we’re usually focused on what we don’t want by default. (sad but very true)

How does this connect to your dream job &/or Spiritual Business?

Regardless if you have or want a Spiritual Business, we can STILL apply spiritual principles to how our Career is shaped and what we actually desire for our Job.

In other words – Are you using the power of the law of attraction and spiritual principles in your career choices? Because if you’re not, Let’s get started 😉

This is some tough love advice:
Are you getting super intentional with your personal values & priorities you have for your life?

Our Values interconnect to Alignment, what we feel good about within our own life. A lot of times we don’t realize if we’re not aligned with our values, it will always influence our results aka our manifested outcomes.


What are Values?

What do you see or perceive as radically important in your life?

These are your Values.

Our Values are part of our core foundation that creates fulfillment & Feel-good vibrations in our life. If we’re actively not honoring one of those values, we will naturally feel depleted, exhausted, resentful or even angry at insignificant drama because we are not fueling our souls.

In other words – when you’re not feeling fulfilled, your ego gets pretty bored and causes you to go off into default autopilot mode(blaming, guilt, shame, fear, jealousy, resentment, overwhelm etc. etc.) Which is all a result of being too much in your head(your ego) and not enough in your body (your soul’s natural intuition)

So the lesson here is one of the easiest ways to get back into alignment is to start understanding what your core values are.


If you have trouble with this, just take a few minutes and write down what are your top 10 important things in your life that are your non-negotiables. Then look at ‘well what is absolutely important, i can’t live without it.’

Then Create a List of your Top 5, Those are your core values.

Your Values can always change, evolve and shift. What we value also helps illustrate how we desire to heal, so digging into WHY it’s important to you is also something to explore for clarity.

To give you an example here’s my current top 5:

1. Prioritizing self-expression & creativity with writing & projects
2. Engaging fun time with my family & my man
3. Spiritual Practice & journaling
4. Creating Impact, helping others & transforming lives through
cultivating community
5. Freedom & time/location freedom

Some powerful awareness can come out of looking at what are your most important values.

For a personal example, I realized Creating things incredibly lights me up but I haven’t been prioritizing it at all this past month! I’m ready for this to change.

I spend too much time on social media and not on prioritizing my own Soul desires which is my creative process. My Spiritual Practice is part of my daily morning routine, & my personality thrives on spontaneous flow & freedom so it makes sense that’s one of my core values.

However if i’m not touching one of these values, such as making more time for family connection or say my son is in meltdown mode needing support out of nowhere, my foundation starts to collapse. This means making time to nurture the values that energetically fill me up. And to lean on my last value, time freedom by being more flexible with my time & where it is going.

See? Clarity is Power. Try this for yourself and see what ‘aha’s you have, it’s a pretty cool exercise.

I can go really deep into values & priorities but that’s not what this article is about! So let’s move on.


Alright so if you did the exercise above, you now understand your values and what helps bring you fulfillment. Now Let’s go deeper, once we understand our values we can interconnect that back to our career.

Here are some easy ways to do just that.


If you are currently unsatisfied with your job, desire a new job, or just feel plain lost with your career, this step is for you. I want you to sit down with yourself and get more intentional with your career.

Here’s some Questions to Journal on to Explore your Career blueprint:

  • How do you desire to feel in your career?
  • What do you want to get paid?
  • How many hours a week do you want to work?
  • how do you define success?
  • how many days a week you’ll work?
  • What will your work day be like?
  • How do you want to feel showing up in your career?
  • What would you like to do if you could do anything?
  • How about your work schedule, your boss unless you’re the boss, the people you work with, your work environment? BRING IN THE DETAILS.
  • Now Intentionally write it so it’s specific and measurable.

    I am grateful and Happy now that I Have a Career doing _______________, It makes me feel ___________________, _____________________, __________________.
    I am Now Making _____________________________ a Month.

    This is a process I’ve used with both my love and myself, it’s what caused me to start a spiritual business. It’s also what brought my love into a great work environment, a promotion and supervisor position at his job. So yeah, if you’re ready for clarity, definitely take the time to do this process 

P.S. If you get Stuck Journal on this Prompt for Absolute CLARITY:

If i did know in my core, what would bring me absolute passion to get paid for, it would be….

2 – Write down the Ideas & Stories that are telling you, you can’t have it.

A lot of us are getting caught up in our head saying all the reasons & excuses why we can’t have what we want. This is what causes us to feel frustrated, annoyed, disconnected and full of doubt.

So I invite you to write this statement down and see what stories you’ve got playing to help bring new awareness to them. Clarity is power.

Write This on a sheet of Paper: I deeply desire _____ But I’m afraid that….

3 – Now Despite the fear, What do I Believe are some action steps that I can begin taking to bring this into my reality?

So we did the mindset component, now we must allow ourselves to get into action. What is something you can do right now to move this forward?

Write 3-5 things.

Like Go do that, give yourself permission to go do it now 

Step 3. 2.0 – Create an Identity Shift – Embody the person who already has it

As I now embody this person, what would be the actions I would take?

You have to create that identity switch in your mind

As i am now ________________ ,the actions and shifts I immediately take are…


Alright! that’s my three-step method for getting you out of your head and Back into your body. Don’t make it overcomplicated, simply define what you want and why you want it.

The truth is it isn’t hard to bring spiritual principles into our career and business, the problem is simply we’re not getting INTENTIONAL ABOUT IT.

So I invite you to start bringing more intention towards your career and share with me your soul takeaways below with what ahas you’ve had & how things start to shift 

P.S. Don’t forget to Sign up for my FREE masterclassLearn How you can Master your own Energy & Mindset for Manifesting Success! 

It’s time to End the Fluff, get over your doubt & Start taking action on my Top 5 Manifesting Secrets to conquer your Mindset today! Sign up below:

manifest your dream job with my free training


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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