HOLY COW, It is Officially Over 90 Days 

Since I started the Mind-Body Revolution Series and the Review is IN. 

So Whenever I try something new – I honestly feel a little bit like a mad energy scientist – like “CAN I DO THIS EXPERIMENT AND NOT BACK DOWN?!”  

Yes, Yes I can. 

First I would just like to say if you’ve been following along on this series – Thank you for tuning in and watching. Secondly if you are OUT THERE and Doing the DAMN THING (caps are necessary…) I am sooo proud of you. 

changing your habits, changing your life, changing any part of you is a journey, it is sometimes hard, frustrating, annoying, a little crazy, maybe a bit sexy, but you’re doing it. You’re out there and you’re committing to your soul, – you’re saying YES to who you truly are. 

And If maybe you started the challenge but fell off – that’s okay too, give yourself compassion, just get back up there and keep going. 

Can we talk about something for a hot minute? 

Let’s normalize more encouragement and acceptance in the personal development space. It’s not always about – quick wins and instant gratification.  we are not microwaves, fb notifications or the like button. 

we are people changing from the inside out and it’s a daily commitment. Healing isn’t always easy, changing patterns, habits, or getting rid of toxic anything that isn’t serving you – its not as smooth sailing as the next highlight reel on instagram. BUT THATS OKAY. 

the world needs more encouragement less bullshit 😉 

So Anyway – it’s Day 90. I Dive deep into the Review of the lessons i’ve learned throughout the 90 days. You can check out the whole series in my playlist i created if you missed any of it. we talked about A LOT.
Playlist Roundup: 

I want to be Clear this challenge is totally for you if: 
If you’re struggling with manifesting,
still working on hitting your new years resolutions, 
procrastinators 😉
wanna break a bad habit, 
wanna start a habit, 
maybe just looking for some deep change? 

I highly recommend spending some time with this series, it isn’t going anywhere, it will be living on the youtube channel if anyone wants to continue with the experiment or go through it again. but the videos are there to encourage you, support you and realize that anyone can create change if they put their mind to it 😉 

The mind Body Revolution Experiment – Shift Your Mind, Shift Your vibe, Shift Your Results

Some of what I covered: 
What are the manifesting lessons i learned?
I share in depth on what i learned over the full 90 days.
What worked, what didn’t. The 3 goals i focused on.

What i really love about this behind the scenes share is you can see how you could apply these principles to literally ANYTHING

if you deeply desire it – go Magnetize it love

So Let’s BREAK some habits. The Mind-Body Revolution Style 😉 

Tune in and Listen to the review here: 

If you Desire to take this challenge to the Next Level – Let’s work together:

Sign up for The Soul-Aligned Manifesting Circle Waitlist we are opening up in summer! I can’t wait! https://transcend.theawakenedstate.net/

Grab your Copy of Awaken Your Power to Manifest to keep going with your Manifesting Challenge – some of my most foundational teachings are included in here that i always come back to – simplify manifesting:
Awaken Your Power to Manifest 30 day manifestation challenge

Are you Craving more Mindset Challenges? Look no further than The Alignment Reset 21 Day Challenge – Designed from the pandemic, reprogram your mind by committing to cultivate your own alignment. shift your vibration naturally and learn to become an energetic match – indepth challenge on mindset. Details here: The Alignment Reset 21 Challenge 

I would love to know – What has been your biggest Takeaways so far from the Mind Body Revolution Experiment? Share with me below – Let’s celebrate how far you have come! 

Of Course If you enjoy this video, please like, share with others, and subscribe for weekly video drops every Friday!

Want to Join the Mind-body Revolution Movement and Get back into Action? Receive your Free training & guidebook here:  

Sign up below: mindbodyrevolution.theawakenedstate.net

Don’t forget if you’re joining us share the journey with hashtag #mindbodyrevolution

And join our community space for accountability 
The Awakened Network Community Hub 

Don’t Let Retrograde get to you, just think of it like time traveling – eventually you go back to your timeline  😉 

Sending Love and Abundance, 


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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